All clips below can be found on:

Never Any Blue

Geoffrey (Gold), a reporter, looks to find out more on Bryon McCabe and Miranda Abbott’s relationship after the death of Byron’s wife from a drunk driving incident that Byron caused fourteen months ago.



The Hunter (Austin) is held up at gun point by a nine year old girl.


‘Elevator Pitches’

Jared Roeper (Austin) struggles to make a lasting impression movie pitch to a big time studio executive.


‘No. One.’

Nolan (Gold) is a young man who becomes entranced by his mysterious new female neighbor. He does whatever he can to grow closer to her and to be in her presence....which ends up being a deadly mistake.



Penelope challenges Father Jamie Carmichael (Austin) on his integrity to the meaning of life and death.


‘Cerberus at The Gates of Hell’

Greg (Austin) speaks his mind and admits the truth about his friend's music style.



Employee #7 (Austin) contemplates his newly hired job position in the middle of his work orientation.



Aiden (Austin) helps Wesley find his voice and get an opportunity to sing.


‘Twelve Steps’

As David (Austin) is asked "what brought you here?" to a Twelve Step program, he throws a fit.


‘Inside The Tik Tok Actor’s Studio’

Dawson (Austin) dissects his controversial Tik Tok videos with fellow Tik Tok influencers and James Lipton Jr.


‘A Chant’

Sic's (Austin's) paranoia heightens as his brother tries to help and comfort him.


‘In Due Time’

John Williams (Austin) is upset to pick up his ex girlfriend's dog.


‘Bad Guys’

Jack (Austin) has trouble getting into the "hookup" culture with other women.


‘The Lantern’

Kevin (Austin) has trouble setting up a tent.



  • The Joker (Heath Ledger)

  • Edna Mode “The Incredibles“

  • Bernie Sanders

  • Russell Brand